Last Saturday, June 27, 2021, Caroline Johnson (age 11) and Maria Kerns (age 12) held a neighborhood bake sale at Willard Circle in Belle Haven neighborhood. They said that they got the idea because they love to bake together for fun and they were looking for a way to raise money for the homeless. 50% of their profit went to purchasing food and clothes to donate to those in need.
The two girls said that they wanted to do something proactive to make a difference in the community. Their goal was successfully achieved by incorporating something they love doing into doing a charitable deed for the homeless!
Treats ranging from individually wrapped cake pops to packs of delicious chocolate chip cookies were displayed for $1 where the girls set up the sale. Mrs. Kelly, a neighbor in Belle Haven who stopped by the sale, said,I thought that the girls did a wonderful job holding this bake sale for such a great cause! My family enjoyed stopping by for a sweet treat on a beautiful Saturday afternoon!